3 hours of head to toe assessment, step by step with Marye Kellermann. It's like having your own personal tutor!
Topics Covered: Vital signs- Widened vs narrow pulse pressure- Pulsus alternans,corrigans and paradoxus- JVD and bruit- Mini mental inventories- Cranial nerves- Carpal tunnel checks- Stereognosis,Proprioception- 2 point discrimination- Babinski- DTRs- Tremor- Cog wheeling- Romberg- Cerebellar function- Overall head-macro vs microcephaly- Face- Eyes Ears Nose Mouth and Pharynx- Neck movements- Thyroid- Inspection/palpation of precordium- Normal heart sounds- Murmurs and rubs- Inspection/palpation and percussion of thorax- Tactile fremitus- Egophony, whispered pectoriloquy- Quadrants of the abdomen- AAA, renal bruit, bowel sounds,percussion- light vs. deep palpation- Scoliosis- Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid arthritis- Gout-
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This audio and test includes 3.50 contact hours.